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Testing TIAGo++ Simulation

Description: A brief summary of commands to test the required packages for TIAGo++ simulation

Tutorial Level: BEGINNER

Author: Job van Dieten < job.1994@gmail.com >, Alessandro Di Fava < alessandro.difava@pal-robotics.com >

Maintainer: Jordi Pages < jordi.pages@pal-robotics.com >, Thomas Peyrucain < thomas.peyrucain@pal-robotics.com >

Support: tiago-support@pal-robotics.com

Source: https://github.com/pal-robotics/tiago_dual_tutorials.git

Linux commands

Testing the simulation installation

First of all open a console and source the workspace:

  • cd /tiago_dual_public_ws/
    source ./devel/setup.bash

The public simulation of TIAGo++ allows two different versions of the end-effector:

  • a parallel gripper
  • the under-actuated 5-finger Hey5 hand.

To launch the simulation of the TIAGo++ with a 6-axis force/torque sensor in each wrist and the parallel gripper, execute:

  • roslaunch tiago_dual_gazebo tiago_dual_gazebo.launch public_sim:=true end_effector_left:=pal-gripper end_effector_right:=pal-gripper


The version with a 6-axis force/torque sensor in each wrist and the Hey5 hand can be launched as follows:

  • roslaunch tiago_dual_gazebo tiago_dual_gazebo.launch public_sim:=true


The version with the TIAGo OMNI ++:

  • roslaunch tiago_dual_gazebo tiago_dual_gazebo.launch public_sim:=true base_type:=omni_base


If you manage to launch these three simulations then the installation has been successful. If the 3rd one is not working you would need to update your docker image or install the latest changes.

If you encounter any issues when trying to run gazebo inside the rocker verify that your drivers are up to date and that your PC configuration includes either nvidia GPU or Intel CPU

If you are facing this issue on a laptop, run  nvdia-settings  and go in the PRIME Profiles section


If you launched the rocker with nvidia support choose the NVIDIA (Performance Mode)

If you launched the rocker with intel support choose NVIDIA On-Demand (Default)

Restart the laptop and it should work

Wiki: Robots/TIAGo++/Tutorials/Installation/Testing Tiago++ Simulation (last edited 2021-08-04 12:01:08 by thomaspeyrucain)